What did former participants do after returning to their own country?

Report from Ghana

Action Plan Good Practices

Title: Reviving and revamping the agricoops by creating a strong relationship between primary societies, district unions, regional unions and the national association(Agricoops Ghana)


Participating countries: Botswana, Cote d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania

Participant:Mr. Victor Atsu Alobe

Name of organization: Ghana Agricultural Producers and Marketing Cooperative

Job Title: Councilor

Training name: ICA "Training on Formation and Management of African Farmers' Organizations" (2017)


Purpose of the training: To support the development of core leaders who will play a central role in revitalizing agricultural cooperatives or farmer groups in order to contribute to the improvement of agricultural productivity and income in Africa.


Training period: Training in Malaysia: 12th February - 6th March , 2018 (23 days)

   Training in Japan : 7th March  - 29th March, 2018 (23 days)

Number of participants: 10 person

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Outline of the Action Plan

Strengthen the fragile organizational structure of agricultural cooperatives in Ghana.


Build strong and enduring relationships among unit cooperatives, district federations, regional federations, and national federations (AGRICOOPS GHANA).


Influence government policy and legislation to create an enabling environment for the development of agricultural cooperatives.


Reforming the main activities of agricultural cooperatives by introducing credit and financial services, joint marketing and extension services.

Activity results

Knowledge and experiences acquired during my training was shared with the leadership of 30 primary co-operative societies with a membership of over 3000 indirect beneficiaries in diverse sectors of the agricultural co-operative through town hall meetings.


There is a steady progress of the action as planned as we have completed the advocacy for the review and promulgation of a new co-operative law to create a conducive environment for the operation of our members.

Outcome of the Action Plan

・Identified the underlying problems facing cooperative development in Ghana and engaged the government through advocates to address the challenges.


・Members understood the importance of cooperation and the tremendous benefits and impact it can have on the development of a country.