

Notice of IDACA Newsletter

We have published IDACA News No. 123.

This issue features the latest business and training reports from IDACA.

We’d really appreciate it if you could take a moment to check it out!


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President Toru YAMANO Talked to participants

On August 26, 2024, Toru Yamano, President, JA Zenchu as well as IDACA, delivered a special lecture at the Institute. This lecture was directed towards seven participants from the Asia and Pacific region who attended the training course on “Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture and Improvement of Farmer’s Income through Development of Agricultural Cooperatives”. During his presentation, he shared his insights based on the past experiences abroad, future strategies, and expectations to the participants.


Welcoming Chairman of the Standing Committee for Rural Development, Cooperative and Consumer Affairs of Selangor

On July 23rd, we welcomed Honorable Datuk Rizam bin Haji Ismal, Chairman of the Standing Committee for Rural Development, Cooperative and Consumer Affairs of Selangor and officers of cooperative related agencies from Selangor State, Malaysia and gave presentation on Japanese agriculture and agricultural cooperatives.


In the morning, we provided detailed explanations about our organization, the JA Group, and the development of agriculture in Japan. We also exchanged views on the development of agriculture in Malaysia.


In the afternoon, with the cooperation of JA Kanagawa Seisho, the group visited grading center of the JA and direct sales shop “Asadore farmin”. Participants showed significant interest in the unique cooperative mechanisms of JA, which are not present in Malaysia.


IDACA conduct Yezin Agricultural University Food Value Chain Lecture

On June 27, 2024, IDACA staff Ms. Miho Togaki conducted an online Food Value Chain Seminar for the HRD Project organized by the ASEAN Secretariat. The lecture was attended by about 60 students and focused on the development of Japanese agriculture and agricultural cooperative features. Next day, Mr. Seiya Uchida, Deputy General Manager of JA Machidashi, was in charge of a lecture. The lecture focused on the contents of the overall JA Machidashi business. In addition, there was an opportunity to exchange opinions with the new employees of JA Machida City and students of Yezin Agricultural University, making the lecture a meaningful experience for the participants. We hope to travel to Myanmar in the future to give lectures on-site.


Visiting the Cooperative Institute of Malaysia (CIM)

On May 28, 2024, Mr. Hirofumi Kobayashi, Executive Director, visited the Cooperative Institute of Malaysia (CIM), an IDACA's strategic partner, to engage in an exchange of opinions regarding future operational strategies and collaborations.


Furthermore, on May 29th and 30th, 2024, Mr. Kobayashi attended the International Cooperative Conference hosted by CIM which is located at Putrajaya Malyaia, receiving recognition as a collaborating organization. Additionally, Mr. Kobayashi participated as a panelist in the session “Smart Agricultural for Smart Growth: Cooperative Principles”, discussing examples of smart agriculture and emphasizing the importance of consensus-building among members, fundraising, and collaboration government entities (national and local).


It was a remarkable opportunity for Mr. Kobayashi to reconnect with many participants who had attended the training courses IDACA implemented in the past.